Text and pictures are from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pokhara.

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The city has a humid subtropical climate; however, the elevation keeps temperatures moderate. Temperatures in summer average between 25 and 35 °C; in winter around -2 to 15 °C. Pokhara and nearby areas receive a high amount of precipitation. Lumle, 25 miles from Pokhara city center, receives the highest amount of rainfall (> 5600 mm/year or 222 inches/year) in the country.[19] Snowfall is not observed in the valley, but surrounding hills experience occasional snowfall in the winter. Summers are humid and mild; most precipitation occurs during the monsoon season (July–September). Winter and spring skies are generally clear and sunny.[20] The highest temperature ever recorded in Pokhara was 38.5 °C (101.3 °F) on 4 May 2013, while the lowest temperature ever recorded was 0.5 °C (32.9 °F) on 13 January 2012 .[21]

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Pokhara and Phewa Lake. In the background all Annapurna summits. From left to the right: Annapurna South, Annapurna I with the snow covered Hiunchuli in front, Machapucharé (steep summit left of the image center), Annapurna III (image center in the background), Annapurna IV, Annapurna II, and Lamjung Himal. Deutsch: Pokhara (Nepal) am Phewa-See. Im Hintergrund v. l. n. r. Annapurna Süd (7219m), Annapurna I (8091m) mit dem ebenfalls schneebedeckten Hiunchuli (6441m)davor, Machapuchre (6997m, steile Spitze links der Bildmitte), Annapurna III (7555m, Bildmitte, im Hintergrund), Annapurna IV (7525m) und Annapurna II (7939m).

The municipality of Pokhara spans 12 kilometres (7.5 miles) from north to south and 6 kilometres (3.7 miles) from east to west but, unlike the capital Kathmandu, it is quite loosely built up and still has much green space.[39] The valley is approximately divided into four to Six parts by the rivers Seti, Bijayapur, Bagadi, Phusre and Hemja. The Seti Gandaki flowing through the city from north to south divides the city roughly in two halves with the business area of Chipledunga in the middle, the old town centre of Bagar in the north and the tourist district of Lakeside (Baidam) to the south all lying on the western side of the river.[40] The gorge through which the river flows is crossed at five places: K.I. Singh Pul, Mahendra Pul and Prithvi Highway Pul from north to south of the city. The floor of the valley is plain, resembles Terai due to its gravel-like surface, and has slanted orientation from northwest to southeast. The city is surrounded by the hills overlooking the entire valley.

Phewa Lake was slightly enlarged by damming which poses a risk of silting up due of the inflow during the monsoon.[41] The outflowing water is partially used for hydropower generation.[42] The dam collapsed in 1974 which resulted in draining of its water and exposing the land leading to illegal land encroachment; since then the dam has been rebuilt.[43] The power plant is about 100 metres (330 feet) below at the bottom of the Phusre Khola gorge. Water from Phewa is diverted for irrigation into the southern Pokhara valley. The eastern Pokhara Valley receives irrigation water through a canal running from a reservoir by the Seti in the north of the city. Some parts of Phewa lake are used as commercial cage fisheries. The lake is currently being encroached upon by invasive water hyacinth (जलकुम्भी झार).[44]